Legal Defenses
Criminal Defense
When you are facing a criminal charge, you need to find a top criminal defense lawyer who can aggressively fight to protect your legal rights. It is crucial that the lawyer you ultimately hire is highly qualified and experienced in the specific type of criminal charge you are facing. Each case is unique and the circumstances and evidence related to the alleged crime must be thoroughly reviewed by your criminal defense lawyer to determine the best options for an effective case. It is imperative that your criminal defense lawyer has expert knowledge in understanding the jury process, how they respond to information, and how to present a strong case in front of the jury.
Our Southern California criminal defense law firm has handled almost every type of criminal prosecution, from simple misdemeanors to complex felony charges including:
- Assault and battery
- Assault with a deadly weapon
- Domestic violence
- Drug charges
- Gang charges
- Gun charges,
- Manslaughter, Attempted murder, Murder
- Probation violations
- Sex charges
- Lewd conduct
- Prostitution
- Rape
- Theft crimes
- Three strikes cases
DUI Defense
The fact is that DUI defense is a highly complex area. The right lawyer for you needs to be someone with experience in criminal court, DMV knowledge to handle the license proceedings, and a deep understanding of the forensic toxicology involved in blood and breath testing.
Unfortunately, many lawyers claim to be a “jack of all trades.” These lawyers will tell you they have the skill to handle a California DUI case while also handling divorce, bankruptcy, and personal injury matters. Nothing could be further from the truth. DUI defense is one of the most complex areas of California law and to successfully defend your case, you need a law firm with experience and expertise.
Traffic Ticket Defense
The simple truth is that California traffic citations will have various negative effects on all aspects of your life, including:
- Carrying a point on your DMV record
- Causing an increase in your insurance payments
- The possible loss of driving privileges
If you fail to pay your traffic ticket on time or do not appear in court, the Court will usually:
- Have the DMV place a hold on your license pursuant to Vehicle Code 40509.5
- Charge you a steep monetary fine
- Issue a warrant
Refer your case to GC Services or some other collections agency
Regardless of how minor your initial ticket may have been, failing to appear in court has upgraded your traffic ticket to a criminal matter because failure to appear is a misdemeanor offense in California.
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Fill out the contact form with as much information as possible so we can call you with a quote and the options available to you.
Why do we ask for your DOB and DL #?
We use you DOB and DL# to look up your traffic ticket(s)/suspended license info. With this information, we’ll be able to give you more accurate information about your case and how we’re able to help you when we contact you.