The Central Arraignment Courthouse Los Angeles aka Los Angeles Superior Court Bauchet Street Courthouse is located at 429 Bauchet Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Central Arraignment Courthouse Los Angeles handles a heavy calendar of criminal matters. It’s location next door to Men’s Central Jail and directly across the street from Twin Towers makes this the courthouse of choice for convenient court appearances for in-custody matters.
The Central Arraignment Court solves the problem of figuring out how to get the in-custody population to the courthouse by bringing the courthouse to the jail. No ground transportation is needed when the LA County Sheriff’s can simply walk the in-custody population to the judge.
Paid parking is available to the public beneath the courthouse.
Although most traffic matters in Downtown Los Angeles are heard at the Metro Courthouse, some citations are processed at the Central Arraignment Courthouse. Thousands and thousands of people are walking around LA as we speak with warrants issued from this court. If you got a ticket on the train in LA for riding without fare, and you didn’t show up for your court date, your warrant is out of the Central Arraignment Courthouse Los Angeles. If you have a loved one in custody in Los Angeles and they are facing an arraignment at the Central Arraignment Courthouse Los Angeles, now is the time to consider retaining the services of a criminal defense lawyer.
Having a lawyer present at the first court date will give you the best chance of obtaining a release without bail or obtaining a lease with a minimal amount of bail. Many cases are also resolved for very favorable terms at the initial court date. In custody clients without the assistance of a private attorney will likely be given a future date to return so that the services of the public defender can be appointed.